

Creator of free culture art

Katharsisdrill reçoit 1,00 € par semaine grâce à 8 mécènes.
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Katharsisdrill is a Scandinavian artist that has been making free culture art on the internet since 2014.

The project follow these principles:

  1. All artworks made under the project are licensed creative commons attribute.
  2. All artworks are made with open source software..
  3. All artworks are published only on user-owned, decentralised networks.

On the katharsisdrill.art website you can see and download all Katharsisdrill artworks, buy books and prints to support the artists, get in contact etc.:

Below are links to other Katharsisdrill websites and social media profiles:

Phill fra GCHQ is a comic that Katharsisdrill has been making since 2016. It is now at almost 100 pages and the first album has been printed.

Phill fra GCHQ

The original profile of Katharsisdrill, on the decentralised network Diaspora - On the Danish instance datataffel.dk.

Katharsisdrill Diaspora profile

Katharsisdrill profile on the decentralised blogging platform Hive - based on blockchain technology.

Katharsisdrill Hive profile


Katharsisdrill est membre de 1 équipe :



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1 511
781,24 €
par semaine


Katharsisdrill a rejoint Liberapay il y a 7 ans.

Revenu par semaine (en euro)

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