Avatar Mastodon service donations

Help us to make a better service

L'objectif de est de recevoir 10,00 $AU par semaine.
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We're putting up for everyone in the Australian tango community to use for free. However, it isn't free for us to provide this service, so we're limited in how good we can make it without your help. The more people are willing to throw in a few dollars a month to help us pay for hosting and bandwidth, the more reliable and responsive we can make the site.

At this time, we have no idea how much this will cost us to run, but we'll probably need at least $50AUD a month just to get the system up in the cloud and running.


Voir la répartition du revenu

Historique a rejoint Liberapay il y a 2 ans.

Revenu par semaine (en dollar australien)

Nombre de donateurs par semaine