
asamk (signal-cli)

I'm the developer of signal-cli, a command line client for the Signal messenger

asamk a 6 mécènes.
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Developing signal-cli entails several tasks:

  • keeping the software up to date with changes in the Signal protocol
  • adding new features
  • refactoring the code base to remain maintainable
  • triaging and analysing of github issues
  • reviewing pull requests from the community

Additionally I'm maintaining a fork of libsignal-service-java that provides a java API for interacting with the Signal server API.

Comptes liés

asamk possède les comptes suivants sur d'autres plateformes :


signal-cli Étoiles 2967 Modifié cette semaine

signal-cli provides an unofficial commandline, JSON-RPC and dbus interface for the Signal messenger.

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asamk a 2 mécènes publics.


asamk a rejoint Liberapay il y a 4 ans.

asamk ne divulgue pas le montant reçu par l'intermédiaire de Liberapay.