
Corona Contact Tracing Germany

FOSS German Corona App

CCTG reçoit 29,84 € par semaine grâce à 62 mécènes.
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The German Government spent a huge sum on a corona tracing app, yet the core part – broadcasting and retrieving IDs – was developed by Google in a proprietary component.

Unpaid volunteers had to reimplement this core part before a truly libre release could be published.

The goal of Corona Contact Tracing Germany is to provide a drop-in compatible app which doesn't rely on any proprietary component and works even on phones which don't come with Google's proprietary Play Services.


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Comptes liés

CCTG possède les comptes suivants sur d'autres plateformes :


CCTG a rejoint Liberapay il y a 3 ans.

Revenu par semaine (en euro)

Nombre de donateurs par semaine