

I am developing FOSS-Apps.

Nulide reçoit 21,01 € par semaine grâce à 38 mécènes.
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I develop mailny for android phones and try to present users with more options to move away from Google.

With FMD i created a platform for searching and controlling android phones.

I do this completly for free and don't expect to live from this. Part of the donations are used for the servercosts.

Comptes liés

Nulide possède les comptes suivants sur d'autres plateformes :


FindMyDevice Étoiles 227 Modifié cette semaine

Find your Device with an SMS or online with the help of FMDServer. This applications goal is to track your device when it's lost and should be a secure open source application and a alternative to Googles FindMyDevice.

ShiftCal Étoiles 3 Modifié il y a 8 mois

BikeComputer Étoiles 5 Modifié il y a 1 an


Nulide a rejoint Liberapay il y a 4 ans.

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