

Open source development and hosted services

ProjectSegfault reçoit 1,34 € par semaine grâce à 4 mécènes.
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What is Project Segfault?

Project Segfault is an organization mainly hosting privacy instances like Nitter, Invidious, Matrix, Libreddit and more!.

Who runs the Project?

The members of the project can be seen here.


Currently, We are using 2 VPSes. We pay yearly for a new VPS from Racknerd and monthly for PIZZA-1 from BuyVM. In addition, we have two physical servers (one in France and one in India) that also take a fair share of electricity. Not to forget the costs of the domain name. In order to keep the project alive and sustainable, we rely on your donations to be able to pay all the above. You can see how we use your donations in our transparency repo on Github or our own self hosted Gitea Instance.

[ Update: 25/10/2022 ] We also use your donations to contribute to some projects we run and actively use.

[ Update: 05/04/2023 ] We also added the costs of the OVH vps, and

[ Update: 01/09/2023 ] We've retired the OVH vps as it cost too much for it's use, and bought a new Racknerd VPS for a year.

[ Update: 28/02/2023 ] The rate the transparecny repo will be updated have been decreased to a monthly update due to Project Segfault undergoing a reduced activity mode.

Got any questions?

You can go to the contact page and ask us or inform us of anything we aren't aware of. There are no automated responses, and we respond pretty quickly!

Thank you

If you do consider donating, we thank you from the bottom of our heart. Every new donation gives us a huge smile as it motivates us to keep the project alive!

Comptes liés

ProjectSegfault possède les comptes suivants sur d'autres plateformes :


website Étoiles 20 Modifié il y a 1 mois

Project Segfault's homepage, made with SvelteKit and ❤️.


ProjectSegfault a rejoint Liberapay il y a 2 ans.

Revenu par semaine (en euro)

Nombre de donateurs par semaine