
Davin McCall

Open-source software creator; author of Dinit

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I'm Davin, an open-source creator of several software packages, most notably Dinit, the service manager/supervisor and init system.

Contributions can help me to meet costs involved with developing Dinit (mostly, hosting for the web site) and perhaps occasionally buy me a coffee, which will increase my productivity :) Any excess funds might be used for travel to conferences, to foster better engagement with the rest of the community and to encourage uptake of Dinit, or to support additional contributors.

See the website for more information about Dinit:

Comptes liés

davmac possède les comptes suivants sur d'autres plateformes :


dinit Étoiles 535 Modifié cette semaine

Service monitoring / "init" system

dasynq Étoiles 165 Modifié il y a 2 mois

Thread-safe cross-platform event loop library in C++


davmac a rejoint Liberapay il y a 2 mois.

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