
João Silva

Just another software developer

jamsilva reçoit 0,00 € par semaine grâce à 0 mécène.
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Hi! I'm a portuguese software developer primarily interested in fairly low-level, core software development.

I have spent a long time designing a programming language (which I haven't really spent much time trying to implement) and like to work on small, essential libraries and tools - things like container types, automation tools and the like. One such is example is my asutils library primarily designed for async-signal safe stack tracing on Linux.

I've contributed to projects related to gaming such as the port of Mastermind_X's Ruins of Alph puzzle for GBA Pokémon ROMS, the libretro snes9x2005 core and the EarthBound editor CoilSnake.

I decided to make this account in the hopes of getting some support from those who find my (very sporadic) work nice/cool/useful and have a little extra to ease the financial burden.

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jamsilva a rejoint Liberapay il y a 5 ans.

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