
Kyva Iborra

Free software developer and admin of several fediverse instances.

kyva reçoit 5,72 € par semaine grâce à 6 mécènes.
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My name is Kyva,

I'm 27 years old and I'm a web developer who wants to dedicate my life to free software as a means to improve society and help both people and animals.

I don't depend on donations. On the other hand it only lets me contribute to the community on weekends but the good thing is that it allows me to do it in the long term and without any conflict of interest.

My dream is to be able to live off donations and have more time to continue designing and programming applications so that anyone can benefit without barriers of payment or otherwise from anywhere in the world.

My projects

  • Veenk is my main project, a platform to help create and finance libre software projects that is available on https://veenk.org

You can follow the news in @<veenk@meetiko.org> or follow my personal account in @<kyva@meetiko.org>.

Fediverse instances that I host and manage

Find all the code in https://codeberg.org/kyva.

Also, I uploaded this video in spanish What is the Fediverse and plan to upload more how-to videos and tutorials.

Thanks for taking a look at my profile and consider donating <3

Comptes liés

kyva possède les comptes suivants sur d'autres plateformes :

Mécènes   Exporter en CSV

kyva a 3 mécènes publics.

Carlos Mañas
1,15 €/semaine
1,00 €/semaine
Lucas A.
0,69 €/semaine

Bénéficiaires   Exporter en CSV

kyva donne publiquement à 1 créateur.

0,25 €/semaine


kyva a rejoint Liberapay il y a 1 an.

Revenu par semaine (en euro)

Nombre de donateurs par semaine