

Software dev. & tech nerd sharing my experience, writing guides and my own software projects. reçoit 0,00 DKK par semaine grâce à 0 mécène.
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Software dev. & tech nerd sharing my experience, writing guides and my own software projects.

Hi and welcome.
I will start by saying thank you for taking the time to visit my page.

I am a software developer and software architect by trade, and have been doing it for the past 20 years, I love the software industry, it is exciting, there is new things every day, and it provides great challenges to overcome.
My current day job is at a company that creates GPS Tracking solutions for companies to help them manage their fleet of vehicles, where we process millions of data points and information every month.

What I hope to be doing full time or maybe close, is to share solutions for interesting problems i have overcome, be writing guides to help others get started with software development, using some library, using an application or tool.

I would like to share my software projects, that I create to some problems, replace an application that does not do what I want or that i feel could be done in a better way. But also projects just made for fun.

I would like to share my creations, under free licenses, so that everyone can use it and gain experience from them.

I hope that I have gained your interest in my work and goals.

You can read more of my articles and projects on my website

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