

Support musicians and music makers

tasmo reçoit 0,00 € par semaine grâce à 0 mécène.
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Hi, I'm here as a musician and DJ. You can see, enjoy and share my work under

As a DJ I play music from other musicians I like and of course I buy the music from them. If you want support me here I can give it straight forward to them and get even more contemporary music to be played in my sets.

Thank you! <3

Comptes liés

tasmo possède les comptes suivants sur d'autres plateformes :


reveal-jekyll Étoiles 75 Modifié il y a 1 an

Online presentation for GitHub Pages and Jekyll in Markdown using reveal.js with a Solarized Color Theme


tasmo a rejoint Liberapay il y a 3 ans.

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